As charges become more specific to provide additional concrete and transparent cost data, providers must consider what procedures they routinely provide to patients and what procedures are specifically related to the patient's condition. Denise Williams, RN, CPC-H, and Kimberly Anderwood Hoy, JD, CPC, reveal tips for determining when to separately bill for ancillary bedside services provided to inpatients.
To correctly assign codes for any surgical procedure, coders need to have an operative (OP) report. But simply having an OP report isn’t enough. Coders also must be able to read the OP report and pick out the important information. Lynn Pegram, CPC, CEMC,CPC-I, CGSC, breaks down the OP report to help coders find the information they need.
Otolaryngology coding covers a wide range of procedures and four parts of the respiratory system—the ears, nose, sinuses, and throat (ENT). Stephanie Ellis, RN, CPC, and Kim Pollock, RN, MBA, CPC, explore some common ENT coding trouble spots.
Drug delivery implants are designed to provide active pharmaceuticals to a targeted area in into the patient’s body for a certain length of time site. Lori-Lynne Webb, CPC, CCS-P, CCP, COBGC, CHDA, provides what coders need to understand to correctly report drug delivery implant codes and what the physician must document.
To code chemotherapy properly, coders need to understand what the clinical staff actually does for the patient via complete and accurate documentation. Chemotherapy and other injections and infusion present some unique challenges in part because clinical staff members are focused more on patient care than documentation requirements. Paula Lewis-Patterson, BSN, MSN, NEA-BC, and Jugna Shah, MPH, discuss the challenges of compiling complete chemotherapy documentation.
In total, the AMA added 60 new codes throughout the surgery section of the 2012 CPT® Manual , 18 of which appear in the cardiovascular and respiratory system subsections. The AMA also revised 86 codes and deleted 48 codes in the surgery section.
Coders can find the largest number of new codes in the pathology and laboratory section of the 2012 CPT® Manual . The AMA added a total of 103 new codes, 101 of which denote Tier 1 and Tier 2 molecular path-ology procedures.
The AMA added a total of 60 new codes throughout the surgery section of the 2012 CPT ® Manual , 18 of which appear in the cardiovascular and respiratory system subsections. The AMA also revised 86 codes and deleted 48 codes in the surgery section. Shelley C. Safian, PhD, MAOM/HSM, CCS-P, CPC-H, CHA, and Christi Sarasin, CCS, CCDS, CPC-H, FCS, highlight the significant changes for 2012.
The ultimate goal of fetal surveillance is to prevent fetal death. Part of this process is a fetal non-stress test (FNST), the monitoring of the fetal heart rate in response to fetal movement. Lori-Lynne A. Webb, CHDA, CCS-P, CCP, CPC, COBGC, details what the FNST includes and how to code for it.
QUESTION: The 2012 CPT ® Manual includes the typical time physicians spend at the bedside and on the patient’s hospital floor or unit for initial observation care codes 99218, 99219, and 99220. Do these codes only apply when the counseling and/or coordination of care support the respective 30/50/70 minutes of time? Do you know if CMS has published any new guidelines related to these times?