Q: Facilities often have two charges for services performed in an operating room (OR) suite. For example, a facility performs a colonoscopy and an esophagogastroduodenoscopy, which took a total of 20 minutes in the procedure room. The facility charged two set-up fees plus an additional five minutes of OR time. Would this be considered a duplicate charge?
Q: If a patient is admitted to the hospital with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and cholelithiasis, and is treated for both, would you code the cholelithiasis as the principal diagnosis because the patient had his or her gallbladder removed?
Q: We have claims that are hitting an edit between a procedure HCPCS code and the new codes for moderate sedation (99151–99153). Since moderate sedation is no longer inherent in any procedure beginning January 1, why are these scenarios hitting an edit?
Q: My hospital’s coding team keeps having trouble distinguishing between J44.0 (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute lower respiratory infection) and J44.1 (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with [acute] exacerbation. Is there any guidance out there that can help clarify their differences? We would appreciate any help.
Q: We just heard about a new add-on HCPCS code for 2017, C1842 (retinal prosthesis, includes all internal and external components; add-on to C1841) for the Argus Retinal Prosthesis, but are not sure how to report it along with C1841 (retinal prosthesis, includes all internal and external components). It has nearly the same description as C1841, so this is confusing.
Q: I have a question about coding a medically induced coma. For example, how would I report a patient on a Precedex drip for alcohol withdrawal, supported with mechanical ventilation, and intensive nursing care?
Q: We have an off-campus, provider-based department that is “non-excepted,” so we have to report modifier –PN (nonexcepted service provided at an off-campus outpatient, provider-based department of a hospital). Is that just for the services that would be paid under the OPPS if the department were “excepted”?
Q: I manage an inpatient coding department, and I am considering having them cross-trained. Are all coders usually cross-trained? And where would be the best place to train my staff?
Q: I notice the parenthetical remarks underneath the new 2017 CPT spinal epidural injection codes (62321, 62323, and 62327) indicate that fluoroscopy, CT, and ultrasound codes are not to be reported with the code. However, the code descriptors only include fluoroscopy and CT, without any mention of ultrasound (76942). Is ultrasound included in the description for 62321?
Q: If a complication is clearly documented as unavoidable or due to a complex situation, should it be coded even if an intervention was done to correct it?
We want your coding and compliance questions! The mission of Coding Q&A is to help you find answers to your urgent coding/compliance questions. To submit your questions, contact Briefings on Coding Compliance Strategies Editor Amanda Tyler at atyler@hcpro.com .
Q: For the new 2017 epidural injection CPT® codes, the longer-term injections (63234-62327) indicate they are to be used if they are administered on more than a single calendar day. What if we start the administration at 10 p.m. and then discontinue the administration at 1 a.m.? That would be two calendar days. Can we used those codes or should we use the shorter-term injection series (62320-62323)?
Q: We are a critical access hospital and don’t get paid under the OPPS. We get reimbursed based on our cost of procedures, tests and services. Is modifier –JW (drug amount discarded/not administered to any patient) applicable to us beginning in January?
Q: When coding and trying to sequence a diagnosis such as pneumonia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, I understand that there is a “use after” mandate, but how are coders to know which codes the “use additional code” note is providing sequencing advice for?
Q: If a patient is extubated post-operatively, but continues to be treated with supplemental oxygen, when is a query for acute respiratory failure appropriate?
Q. Since ICD-10-CM code O24.415 (gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, controlled by oral hypoglycemic drugs) has been added for 2017, do we need to add which specific drug is being used by the patient when reporting the code?
Q: What is the correct procedure code for an esophagogastroduodenoscopy? Our coder coded 0DQ68ZZ (Repair, stomach, via natural or artificial opening, endoscopic), which groups to DRG 326, the same as an esophagectomy. The relative weight is 5.45. This does not seem right. Could you please clarify?
Q: We are struggling with how to report the functional status codes that are required when a physical therapist provides therapy services post-operatively. We have a process for doing that for our “regular” therapy patients, but are struggling with how to implement this for the outpatient surgeries.
Q: I am never sure of correct sequencing when the admission is for flu, pneumonia, and asthma. The patient presented in the emergency department (ED) with shortness of breath, still tight after nebulizer treatment in the emergency room. The patient was kept for observation for one day, then was admitted. Documentation includes: Fever 101.8 in ED; respiratory rate (RR) 24; white blood cell count (WBC) 12.6 Influenza and upper respiratory tract infection Mild persistent asthma in exacerbation due to the above (wheezing, tachycardia in the ED, 130s); acute hypoxic respiratory failure (PO 90%). Superimposed RLL community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), per chest x-ray Can you suggest proper sequencing and if queries are needed?
Q: We have a new pharmacy director and he wants to monitor all separately payable drugs to ensure that we receive appropriate reimbursement. We’re trying to figure out how to do this because the payment is subject to change each quarter. Do you have any suggestions?
Q: I am with a CDI program that is starting to explore severity of illness/risk of mortality (SOI/ROM). I personally have been reviewing for SOI/ROM for quite a while. I usually designate the impact (MCC/CC/SOI/ROM) after the billing is done and see if what I queried for made a final impact, and only take credit for those that do. I was told that regardless of the actual final impact on SOI/ROM, we should be taking credit for any SOI/ROM clarification as SOI/ROM impact. Which is the most accurate, “correct” way to capture the CDI impact for these types of clarifications?
Q: Is it true that if the patient has hypertension and heart disease such as coronary artery disease that the coder may code the hypertension from the I11 (hypertensive heart disease) series of codes?
Q: During an ICD-10-PCS Fusion, when a physician documents the use of a “structural allograft spacer” in the medical record, what sixth character would we use when coding this? Some colleagues say to use A (interbody fusion) and some say to use K (nonautologous tissue substitute). What would be the correct way to code this?
Q: Our surgeons perform a lot of blepharoptosis repairs. Because each patient is different, different amounts of eyelid tissue has to be removed. One of our surgeons wants to set a maximum amount that is included in the procedure and then charge a blepharoplasty to cover anything over and above this maximum. We are trying to figure out how to even start to operationalize this. It seems to us that this is just a “patient differential” in the surgery like you have in any other surgery. Is there any guidance or standard for this?
Q: What exactly are diagnostic-related groups (DRG) 067 and 068 (nonspecific cerebrovascular accident [CVA] and pre-cerebral occlusion without infarct, respectively)? How do they differ from transient ischemic attack (TIA) or CVA?
Q: When our pharmacy mixes medications for infusion, they sometimes have to waste a part of the vial that was opened. They log this in the pharmacy log, which they keep in the department. We have been billing the full amount of the drug that was in the vial and have had no issues with getting paid. Our pharmacist came from a regional meeting and told us that this is going to change.
Q: Is it appropriate to assign ICD-10-CM code Y95 (nosocomial condition) based on the documentation of healthcare-associated pneumonia (HCAP) or hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP)? It is appropriate to assign the code for documented healthcare-associated conditions. Should this still be queried for specificity, and should the hospital-acquired condition (i.e., pneumonia) be coded as bacterial, viral, or something else?
Q: Can a hospital that is not a critical access hospital (CAH) bill professional charges on UB-04 claims, Type of Bill (TOB) 013X? I have not read anywhere that hospitals cannot bill this way, but usually when discussing revenue 96X and other professional revenue codes there is mention of CAHs only.
Q: When a patient presents with acute respiratory failure, as well as an overdose, is it ever appropriate to assign the acute respiratory failure as principal diagnosis, since it is an acute condition that would have occasioned the admission to the hospital?
Q: We operate a partial hospitalization program (PHP) and just heard from our billing office that there are new requirements for submitting claims. They want us to close out accounts weekly in order for them to bill them. We have done 30-day accounts prior to this and don’t see why they want to change things. Is there a certain timeframe required for billing these services? This is a huge inconvenience to make this work for the business office.
Q: A patient has multiple labs on the same date of service. We receive the following NCCI edit: “Code 80048 is a column two code of 80053. These codes cannot be billed together in any circumstances.” Should we only bill code 80053?
Q: I am never sure of correct sequencing when the admission is for flu, pneumonia, and asthma. Can you suggest proper sequencing, and if queries are needed?
Q: I have a patient with stage IV lung cancer that presented with fatigue, cough, and loss of appetite. Initially, they thought he had pulmonary nodular amyloidosis, but when they did an echocardiogram on day one they found a pericardial effusion. How would this be sequenced and coded?
Q: Are there any new HCPCS codes for recently released biosimilar products on the horizon? Our physicians and pharmacists are being contacted by the manufacturer about purchasing and using them, but we want to be sure we can report them appropriately.
Q: We are currently using a hybrid medical record, so we have standard query forms with multiple-choice options that cannot be modified at this time. We wanted to include a statement so our query doesn’t seem leading. Is our approach to the multiple-choice query format appropriate?
Q: Our providers are reluctant to document a correlation between symptoms and a true diagnosis. Do you have any good ways to get them to do this? For example, our providers document "diabetes" but they often don't include additional details that should be there (e.g., gestational diabetes or type II diabetes mellitus in pregnancy).
Q: We have a teenager with systemic lupus erythematosus and history of lupus nephritis who came into the ED with seizures. The physician admitted the patient with documentation of with status epilepticus and hypertensive urgency. The intensivists then documented hypertensive encephalopathy. What should we choose as the principal diagnosis?
Q: Can CPT® code 76700 (ultrasound, abdominal, real time with image documentation; complete) be coded with 76770 (ultrasound, retroperitoneal [e.g., renal, aorta, nodes], real time with image documentation; limited) on the same date of service during the same session?
Q: We are having trouble determining how to assign a code for a pressure ulcer that begins as a Stage I concern that is present on admission (POA) but advances during the patient’s stay to a Stage II or a Stage III. Coding Clinic, Fourth Quarter 2008, p. 194, tells us that even if the ulcer advances it would still be coded as POA, but would even an advanced stage still be considered POA?
Q: What is the proper ICD-10-CM coding for bilateral hip pain? Should we report M25.551 (pain in right hip) and M25.552 (pain in left hip) or M25.559 (pain in unspecified hip)?
Q: Can you clarify the expectations related to documenting the discussion between a physician and a clinical documentation improvement specialist when a query is done verbally? The 2013 ACDIS/AHIMA physician query practice brief Guidelines for Achieving a Compliant Query Practice expanded on the need to document this interaction and we’re wondering if our process is compliant.
Q: Our physicians sign off on diagnoses that the nursing staff prepares on admission of a new patient, can you suggest a process to capture all relevant diagnoses?
Q: When a foreign body is removed from the eye, does it matter what instrumentation is used to remove it? We recently had two cases in which the ED physician stated that the foreign body was easily removed with a cotton swab. She is questioning whether we should charge (facility and professional) for this type of removal or whether it should just be considered when determining the E/M level.
Q: In the past few weeks, we noticed physicians are documenting acute congestive heart failure with preserved ejection fraction instead of diastolic or systolic. They say the heart failure is not diastolic or systolic. What is the best way to approach this issue?
Q: If a physician orders a consultation for a patient who is experiencing a headache due to hypertension, which ICD-10-CM codes would be assigned? Would hypertension be coded since headache is a common sign and symptom of hypertension, or would both the headache and hypertension be coded?
Q: Our facility is developing clinical definitions regarding types of atrial fibrillation (afib) given the specificity changes in ICD-10. Could you provide suggestions for these definitions? Do you think it is appropriate to query for persistent atrial fibrillation for the period of more than seven days and chronic afib sustained for more than 12 months Are you aware of any strategies other institutions are using when querying regarding afib?
Q: Our radiation oncology department is having some angst about some updated guidance provided by CMS regarding reporting of planning services. These services are provided prior to the actual intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) service in order to know how to deliver the IMRT. We are not sure if we have been reporting this correctly.
Q: I was reviewing a case with one of our clinical documentation improvement (CDI) specialists this morning. The following clinical indicators documented in the chart are elevated cardiac enzymes, shock, and demand ischemia. Cardiology documented “elevated cardiac enzymes in setting of shock representing a Type 2 injury.” Also documented in another note is “demand ischemia.” Should the CDI specialist query for more information?
Q: Our radiology department is requesting that we add a new modifier to their charge description master (CDM), modifier –CT (computed tomography [CT] services furnished using equipment that does not meet each of the attributes of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association [NEMA] XR-29-2013 standard). They want this added to the CT scan line items, but they are not sure if it is for all of the items or only certain ones. Can you provide more information that might help us know how to proceed?
Q: CMS released guidance last summer about not auditing or counting errors for the specificity of an ICD-10-CM code. CMS is not going to count the code as an error as long as the first three digits are correct. Does this apply to medical necessity diagnoses and edits?
Q: What can we report for the physician if circumcision is done during delivery? Do we bill that on a separate claim for the infant? Is this a covered procedure?
Q: How many times should Glasgow Coma Scale information be captured? If you have the ambulance, ED physician, and attending physician all recording the score, should each be reported?
Q: We recently had attending physicians send back queries with responses by the physician assistant (PA) or nurse practitioner (NP) who documented for them. Is it acceptable for a PA or NP to answer queries after the patient is discharged?
Provider-based clinics and departments are increasingly common, but the rules for provider-based billing can often be confusing, especially given recent changes to modifiers and place of service codes.
Q: A patient fractured all metatarsals last year and had open reduction and internal fixation. The patient now has a nonunion of the fracture sites and is going back to the OR for an amputation. What would be the appropriate ICD-10-CM seventh character to report?
Q: In terms of coding blood transfusions, does the documentation of which intravenous (IV) site used have to come from the physician in the progress note or can this particular information be extrapolated from nursing notes, orders, etc.? As far as I can tell, a blood transfusion is usually administered to whatever peripheral IV line/site is available, unless otherwise contraindicated or instructed differently by a specific physician order.
Q: We are an independent outpatient end-stage renal disease clinic. When we administer a blood transfusion (we do not bill for the blood) can we bill HCPCS code A4750 (blood tubing, arterial or venous, for hemodialysis, each) for the tubing used in the procedure and also A4913 (miscellaneous dialysis supplies, not otherwise specified) for miscellaneous supplies pertaining to administering the blood?
Q: Is there guidance on reviewing a record, such as an operative note, that has not been signed by a physician? I am at a facility that allows coding from unsigned transcriptions. I was always told that the information needs to be confirmed by a signature as valid before including that information in the review worksheet. Do you have any recommendations for this?
Q: I have a question about coding infusion/injections in the ED prior to a decision for surgery. A patient comes into the ED with right lower abdominal pain. The physician starts an IV for hydration, gives pain medication injections, then does blood work and an MRI to rule out appendicitis. The blood work comes back with an elevated white blood count, so the patient is started on an infusion of antibiotics. Then the MRI results come in with a diagnosis of appendicitis. So a surgeon is called in to consult and take the patient to surgery. Can we bill the infusions/injections prior to the decision for surgery? I realize that once the decision is made, then the infusion/injections are off limits and are all included in the surgical procedure. But up until that time, can the ED charge the infusions/injections? They are treating the patient’s symptoms and can’t assume the patient will have surgery until the decision is made by the surgeon.
Q: Our business office wants us to start using modifier -PO (services, procedures, and/or surgeries furnished at off-campus, provider-based outpatient departments) for services that are provided in some of our outpatient departments, but not all. We want to hard code this to our charge description master but are not sure why some services will get this modifier and some won't.
Q: I am having trouble with ICD-10-PCS coding for a perineal laceration repair. Some sources state that the correct code uses the perineal anatomic region, not muscle repair. Could you please clarify the correct ICD-10-PCS code for a second-degree obstetrical (perineum) laceration that includes muscle?
Q: How can our team prepare for potential productivity losses post-ICD-10 implementation, specifically regarding procedure codes? Should we consider hiring additional staff or staff with a surgical background?
Q: I have been told by our billers that infusion codes reported in the ED along with an E/M code that has modifier -25 (significant, separately identifiable evaluation and management service on the same day of the procedure or other service) require another modifier. I thought that -25 is the only modifier that should be submitted, unless the provider started a second infusion at a second site on the body. This is the first time I’ve been told the infusion coder need a modifier if the E/M has modifier -25 appended. All of my educational articles tell me that the two can be reported together. Have I missed an update somewhere along the way?
Q: In my facility, we are supposed to send an email to our physician advisor (PA) and to administration if a query is not answered within a week. However, this policy doesn’t work well because administration does not do anything with that information, and the PA doesn’t have time to review unanswered queries. Do you have any suggestions concerning when to let a query go unanswered?
Q: I have a question regarding facility coding for evaluation and management (E/M) levels, not for an ED physician, but for facility-level nursing in the ED. If a specialist is called to evaluate or consult on a patient, the nursing intervention is what the facility-level criteria is based on. For example, a patient has difficulty walking, a nurse assists the patient to get an x-ray, takes vitals, does an initial assessment, then provides discharge instructions of moderate complexity. I would code this scenario as a level 3.
Q: If the physician documents “concerning for,” “considering,” “cannot be ruled out,” or “cannot be excluded” for a diagnosis, is that considered an uncertain diagnosis? Can those terms be coded if the patient is being worked up? Are the terms “concerning for” and “considering” equal to the uncertain diagnosis terms “yet to be ruled out”?
Q: We had a patient come into our ED with a severe head injury. To protect his airway, we intubated the patient. Can we report an emergency endotracheal intubation (CPT ® code 31500) and CPR (92950) together if only bagging happens and no chest compressions?
Q: I have been asked to build a query for a diagnosis of SIRS and/or sepsis for the following scenario: The patient was admitted for an infection urinary tract infection (UTI), pyelonephritis (PNA) and meets two SIRS criteria. The patient may be treated with oral or intravenous antibiotics, and may be on a general medical floor (not intensive care). The physician did not document SIRS or sepsis. I am having a hard time with this query because I am not sure if this would be considered adding new information to the chart or leading the physician by introducing a new diagnosis. Do you have any suggestions?
Q: I am a coder in a hospital outpatient setting. Our physicians document drug use in social history. For example, marijuana use is documented as just "marijuana use" without any further information regarding a pattern of use or abuse. Based on that information, can I report ICD-9-CM code 305.20 (cannabis abuse, unspecified)? How would this be reported in ICD-10-CM?
Q: Can “in the setting of”' be interpreted as “due to” in ICD-10-CM? For example, the physician documented that the patient has a urinary tract infection in the setting of a urinary catheter.
Q: When the surgeon documents excision of a complex pilonidal cyst with rhomboid flap closure, is the flap closure coded separately or is it included in CPT ® code 11772 (excision of pilonidal cyst or sinus; complicated)?
Q: Should modifiers for laterality be used for CPT ® code 31624 (bronchoscopy, rigid or flexible, including fluoroscopic guidance, when performed; with bronchial alveolar lavage)?
Q: In ICD-9-CM, sprains and strains fall under the same codes. Will that also be the case in ICD-10-CM or are we going to report these injuries separately?
Q: A patient arrives at the interventional radiology department to have an inferior vena cava (IVC) filter inserted for portal hypertension and an iliac stent for May-Thurner syndrome. The physician is unsuccessful in accessing an appropriate portal vein branch, despite a few attempts to pass a wire into small portal branches, and aborts the placement. The plan is to reschedule and return with a transplenic approach. Do we code the attempted IVC filter placement with modifier -74 (discontinued outpatient procedure after anesthesia administered) and the complete iliac stent procedure? Or do we code the extent of the IVC filter placement (that being venography) with the complete procedure? Or do we only code the completed procedure?
Q: When I started as a coder, I learned that the complication code, such as from ICD-9-CM series 998 or 999, takes precedence as the reason of admission when present with another contributing condition. Is this correct, and is there any written guidance from AHA Coding Clinic for ICD-9-CM/ICD-10-CM/PCS that discusses this?
Q: We have a patient with chronic severe low back pain, etiology unknown, on MS Contin®, an opioid. Due to the patient’s history of drug-seeking behavior and cannabis abuse, the physician orders a drug screen prior to refilling the prescription. With the changes to drug testing codes in 2015, what would be the appropriate laboratory CPT ® codes to report?
Q: Should “diabetes with gastroparesis” be coded as 536.3, diabetes with a complication code? I understood that the term ‘"with’" can link two diagnoses, but that it does not represent a cause-and-effect relationship. Can you please clarify this, and why a cause-and-effect relationship can be assumed in the term “diabetes with gastroparesis”?
Q: We are trying to verify whether we should bill for two units of the CPT® code when the provider performs a service with and without magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), such as an MRA of the abdomen, with or without contrast material (code 74185). The description of the MRA CPT codes say "with or without," not with and without for billing all non-Medicare payers. We realize for Medicare we are to use HCPCS codes C8900-C8902.
Q: A patient came to the ED with shortness of breath (SOB). The admitting diagnosis was possible acute coronary syndrome (ACS) due to SOB and elevated troponin levels. The ACS was ruled out. Elevated troponin levels were assumed to be due to chronic renal failure (CRF), and no reason was given for SOB. Before discharge, the patient was noted with an elevated temperature and found to have a urinary tract infection (UTI). All treatment was directed at the UTI, and the doctor noted the discharge diagnosis as the UTI. What would be the principal diagnosis in this case?
Q: If a patient is given Reglan ® intravenously at 12:20, 13:00, and 13:20, would this be considered an IV push because the clinician did not document a stop time?