Shelley C. Safian, PhD, RHIA, CCS-P, COC, CPC-I , delves into ICD-10-CM and CPT coding for urogynecology, a subspeciality that provides necessary crossover care for female patients. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
CMS recently released a revision to its benefit policy manual to stress that codes and modifier combinations should be reported when social determinants of health risk assessments and Medicare annual wellness visits are conducted together.
CMS updated its July 2024 HCPCS Quarterly update file in May with a total of 70 new HCPCS codes, 11 discontinued codes, and 32 revised codes. All code changes will be implemented July 1.
Kathy Dorich, MSN, RN, CCDS, CPHQ , explains two types of DRG reconciliation processes that she has implemented to alleviate conflict between coding and CDI departments.
JoAnn Baker, CCS, CPC, COC , defines sepsis and septic shock, and delves into the emerging initiative to integrate AI into the diagnosis and treatment process.
A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that four popular pretest risk assessment models for evaluating risk of hospital-acquired venous thromboembolism in inpatients did “not perform particularly well.”
Verbal conversations with providers regarding reportable conditions and procedures are considered verbal queries. Refresh how they should be memorialized within the record to maintain compliance. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
Q: A 64-year-old female inpatient has hepatocellular cancer with an orthotropic liver transplant with bile duct obstruction and is immunosuppressed due to drugs. Which ICD-10-CM codes would be reported?
JoAnn Baker, CCS, CPC, COC , defines sepsis and septic shock, and delves into the emerging initiative to integrate AI into the diagnosis and treatment process.
Our experts answer questions about querying a metabolic encephalopathy diagnosis and documenting the start of mechanical ventilation if a patient is intubated in another ED.
Make sure staff who handle audit requests understand when a missing signature should—or should not—trigger an automatic denial of your claims or prior authorization requests. Recent guidance from CMS clarifies how auditors should proceed when a medical record lacks a signature.
by Sareem Wani, MD I recently took a personality test and, after answering a series of questions based on various case scenarios, learned that my strengths are in collaboration and education. It took...
Hamilton Lempert, MD, FACEP, CEDC, reviews the basics of CPT critical care services and addresses common reporting questions, such as services that pass midnight, continuous care, and which clinical tasks count toward critical care.
Brandi Hutcheson, RN, MSN, CCM, CCDS, CCA , examines the coding and clinical literature on malnutrition and obesity to see how coders can reconcile these seemingly disparate diagnoses.
A Journal of the American Medical Association study found that ICD-10-CM influenza codes accurately represented cases of positive diagnoses in pediatric patients, but their sensitivity was modest.
Q: A patient has acute renal failure due to dehydration, a history of Type 1 diabetes mellitus causing end-stage renal disease, a kidney transplant two years ago, and chronic kidney disease stage 3a, immunosuppressed by their drugs. How would this be reported in ICD-10-CM?
Managing chronic conditions requires involvement from many parties, making documentation challenging. Assess how to improve documentation and reimbursement for chronic conditions with tips provided by Arta Kelmendi-Doko, MD, PhD . Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
Nancy Reading, RN, CPC, CPC-P , explains how understanding liver disease and its many complications is key to supporting higher-specificity ICD-10-CM coding and reimbursement.
Penny Jefferson, MSN, RN, CCDS, CCDS-O, CCS, CDIP, CRC, CHDA, CRCR, CPHQ , and Mercedes K. C. Dullum, MD, FACS, FACC , describe the advantages of creating CDI programs in outpatient settings and how they can decrease gaps in patient care and improve financial management.
Hamilton Lempert, MD, FACEP, CEDC, reviews the basics of critical care services in CPT and addresses common reporting questions, such as services that pass midnight, continuous care, and which clinical tasks count toward critical care. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) emergency use authorization for Pemgarda, a pre-exposure COVID-19 prophylaxis, has led to the release of HCPCS Level II codes for the drug and its administration.
Q: A 64-year-old female bilateral lung transplant recipient presents with aspiration pneumonia, hypoxia, and has immunosuppression from the drugs. How would this scenario be reported in ICD-10-CM?
Sarah McDonald, CPC , reviews ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS coding guidelines for the U.S.’ most common orthopedic surgeries: hip and knee replacements. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
Pressure injuries, which can lead to a patient safety indicator (PSI), require clear documentation and coordination among coding, CDI, and clinical departments. Katherine Siemens, RN, BSN, CMSRN, CCDS , evaluates how poor coordination could result in a PSI being incorrectly reported.
Merle Zuel, RN, CCDS , explains how healthcare leaders can improve in their roles by understanding all coding and clinical data available and knowing how to analyze it.
Despite the expansion of codes that came with the transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10-CM, the majority of codes for inflammatory arthritis were not frequently used in 2015 through 2021, researchers found.
by Jess Fluegel It is a truth universally acknowledged that a CDI department, in possession of a part-time physician advisor who is already stretched too thin, may be in want of provider engagement...
Our expert answers questions about ICD-10-CM sequencing for renal complications after a transplant, reporting malignant neoplasms in transplanted organs, and more.
Lori-Lynne A. Webb, CPC, CCS-P, CCP, CHDA, COBGC, explains how to report neonatal respiratory failure, including meconium aspiration, failure to thrive, and associated symptoms in ICD-10-CM.
Lori-Lynne A. Webb, CPC, CCS-P, CCP, CHDA, COBGC , explains how to report neonatal respiratory failure, including meconium aspiration, failure to thrive, and associated symptoms in ICD-10-CM.
Pressure injuries, which can lead to a patient safety indicator (PSI), require clear documentation and coordination among coding, CDI, and clinical departments. Katherine Siemens, RN, BSN, CMSRN, CCDS , evaluates how poor coordination could result in a PSI being incorrectly reported.
This article reviews malware basics and covers tips that healthcare employees can implement to avoid cyberattacks that could put protected health information (PHI) at risk.
Tonya Chandler, RHIT, writes about mental health status in youth, clarifies possible contributing factors, and explains how to report mental and behavioral conditions in ICD-10-CM with several case scenarios.
Our experts answer questions about ICD-10-CM coding for diabetic patients with hyperglycemia, CPT documentation requirements for wound sizing, and more.
Julia Kyles, CPC , examines the factors of medical necessity required to decrease chance of denials for preoperative E/M visits, including who performs the visit, associated risks, and the patient’s health.
Q: How would a coder report the scenario of an unmedicated diabetic patient with diabetic renal nephrosis and out-of-control blood sugar during an encounter?
CMS published a summary of its first quarter 2024 HCPCS Level II code update application decisions. There were 48 additions, two code definition revisions, and seven discontinuations.
Lynn Anderanin, CPC, CPB, CPMA, CPC-I, CPPM, COSC , covers FAQs she has received, specifically about CPT reporting for arthrodesis, acromioplasty, arthroplasty, arthroscopy, and spinal decompression procedures. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
Educating clinical staff on proper documentation of mechanical ventilation can avoid compliance issues and support accurate reimbursement. This article clarifies the complications of reporting mechanical ventilation in ICD-10-PCS.
CMS’ fiscal year 2025 IPPS proposed rule and fact sheet, published April 10, includes proposals for a 2.6% payment increase, a new bundled payment program, code updates, and other policy changes.
Q: How would the scenario of a previous kidney transplant patient presented with sepsis due to acute pyelonephritis (E. coli), CKD, and immunosuppression be reported in ICD-10-CM?
Sarah McDonald, CPC , examines the ICD-10-CM/PCS coding conventions for symptoms, stages, and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease—a commonly diagnosed digestive disorder in the U.S. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
This article reviews malware basics and covers tips that healthcare employees can implement to avoid cyberattacks that could put protected health information (PHI) at risk.
Ronald Hirsch, MD, FACP, CHCQM, CHRI , and Valerie A. Rinkle, MPA, CHRI , explore common causes of denial, including prior authorization, missing documentation, medical necessity, and EHR formatting.
Tonya Chandler, RHIT , brings light to the declining mental health in youth, clarifies possible contributing factors, and explains how to report mental and behavioral conditions in ICD-10-CM with several case scenarios.
Lynn Anderanin, CPC, CPMA, CPPM, CPC-I, COSC , answers frequent questions she receives from providers pertaining to physician coding for CPT orthopedic services. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
CMS proposed hundreds of ICD-10-CM code changes in the 2025 IPPS proposed rule, published April 10, including 252 new codes, 13 revised codes, 36 invalidated codes.
The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published a study that found that high-flow nasal cannula protocols were associated with a 6.1% reduction in ICU admissions among children.
Q: Aside from Coding Clinic , Third Quarter 2005, pp. 19–20, is there any more up-to-date advice on reporting ICD-10-CM diagnoses from physician orders?
Sarah McDonald, CPC , explains the spinal fusion process and overviews the process of constructing ICD-10-PCS procedure codes character by character. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
The pediatric population is smaller and involves different clinical and nuances, but this often-underdeveloped area of coding can be a source of missed revenue if left uninvestigated.
Kate Siemens, RN, BSN, CMSRN, CCDS , offers tips on how coders and CDI can assess patient safety indicators to improve reporting accuracy and increase quality of care.
Orthopedists perform injections and aspirations to address a range of ailments, but reporting injections can be difficult. This article reviews proper CPT coding for sacroiliac joint injections and joint arthrocentesis. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
The lack of interaction with remote work has a variety of impacts. Managers must develop strategies for remote onboarding and training, find different ways to measure productivity, and keep employees engaged.
CMS published its HCPCS Quarterly Update in March, which heralded the sum of 94 HCPCS Level II code additions, discontinuations, and definition revisions. The changes became effective April 1.
Physician coders should watch out for recently implemented edits to codes that debuted January 1 in the quarterly updates to the NCCI files. The latest updates introduce 2,171 new PTP edits and 164 new MUEs.
Orthopedists perform injections and aspirations to address a range of ailments, but reporting injections can be difficult. This article reviews proper CPT coding for sacroiliac joint injections and joint arthrocentesis.
Shelley C. Safian, PhD, RHIA, CCS-P, and Mary A. Johnson, MBA-HM-HI, CPC, review the purpose of modifiers and analyze their integral part in reporting encounters, receiving reimbursement, and promoting continuity of care.
Trey La Charité, MD, FACP, SFHM, CCS, CCDS, analyzes the challenges that both inpatient and outpatient CDI specialists encounter and offers advice to lessen provider opposition to participating in outpatient CDI.
Many CDI professionals are familiar with the saying that, since CDI is “already in the chart,” they can easily pick up a new review lens. The reality, however, is that each new responsibility can put a damper on staff bandwidth and productivity.
Educating clinical staff on proper documentation of mechanical ventilation can avoid compliance issues and support accurate reimbursement. This article clarifies the complications of reporting mechanical ventilation in ICD-10-PCS.
This article explains the quality metrics of hospital-acquired infections and accidental punctures and lacerations, and details how collaborative efforts can reduce these risks.
Sarah McDonald, CPC , analyzes the process of reporting traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries ICD-10-CM, notably the cause of injury, reason for the encounter, and aftereffects. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
Laurie Prescott, RN, MSN, CCDS, CCDS-O, CDIP, CRC , summarizes guidance from the 2024 first quarterly release of Coding Clinic , including reporting for postoperative complications, non-traumatic kidney injuries, and vertebral artery dissection.
The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published a study in March found that “foot and ankle care was associated with an 11% lower likelihood of death…and a 9% lower likelihood of major amputation (above or below knee).”
Trey La Charité, MD, FACP, SFHM, CCS, CCDS , analyzes the challenges that both inpatient and outpatient CDI specialists encounter and offers advice to lessen provider opposition to participating in outpatient CDI.
Shelley C. Safian, PhD, RHIA, CCS-P , and Mary A. Johnson, MBA-HM-HI, CPC , review the purpose of modifiers and analyze their integral part in reporting encounters, receiving reimbursement, and promoting continuity of care. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
Katie Patterson, CPC , summarizes the Medicare Quality Payment Program, provider qualifications, clinician participation, and how they work to achieve the program’s main objectives.
Susan G. Michael, MSN, RN, CPHQ, CCDS , examines social determinants of health through a historical perspective and explains how they evolved into the codes that coders and researchers use today.
CMS will be holding its next ICD-10 Coordination and Maintenance Committee meeting March 19-20. The committee will deliberate applications for new ICD-10-PCS and ICD-10-CM code assignments. If approved, the codes will become effective October 1, 2024.
Shannon Oitker, MSN, RN , reviews the nine MS-DRGs for ventilator use, explains how DRGs are designed, and assesses whether hospitals are receiving adequate reimbursement for ventilation services.
Terry Tropin, MSHAI, RHIA, CCS-P , continues her exploration of ICD-10-PCS April updates with added options for intracranial brachytherapy, electroporation, sinus dilation, pedicled omentoplasty, and more. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
Julia Kyles, CPC , summarizes the advice CMS provided during a January event about reporting HCPCS add-on code G2211 for increased complexity with E/M codes.
C. diff results from a disruption of the normal bacterial flora of the colon. Recognize the diagnostic criteria, treatment, and ICD-10-CM coding tips for reporting this disorder. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
CMS retroactively added two new CPT codes for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine administration. The codes affect services rendered on or after October 6, 2023.
Aimee Wilcox, CPMA, CCS-P, CST, MA, MT, and Karla VonEschen, MS, CPC, CPMA, CCDS-O, look back at the progression of diagnosis and mortality coding before looking ahead to ICD-11 and how coding departments can prepare for it.
Most fracture cases originate in the ED, so orthopedic coders must understand the various scenarios that may arise based on the patient’s condition and the intent of the performing clinician.
Our experts answer questions about CPT/HCPCS codes for reporting obesity counseling, HCPCS reporting for social determinants of health assessments, and more.
Shannon Oitker, MSN, RN , reviews the nine MS-DRGs for ventilator use, explains how DRGs are designed, and assesses whether hospitals are receiving adequate reimbursement for ventilation services.
Our experts answer questions about payer criteria for chronic kidney disease diagnoses, ICD-10-CM documentation requirements for reporting chronic pain syndrome, and more.
Laurie Prescott, RN, MSN, CCDS, CCDS-O, CDIP, CRC , summarizes guidance from the 2024 first quarterly release of Coding Clinic , including reporting for postoperative complications, non-traumatic kidney injuries, and vertebral artery dissection.
This article explains the quality metrics of hospital-acquired infections and accidental punctures and lacerations, and details how collaborative efforts can reduce these risks.