Adrienne Commeree, CPC, CPMA, CCS, CEMC, CPIP , provides background on vaccinations and writes that coding for vaccine administration isn’t relegated to the outpatient coder; inpatient coders also have codes to report for vaccine administration. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
Jennifer Cayce, RHIT, CCS, CCS-P, CPC , explores the conundrums of reporting acute kidney disorders due to confusing clinical terminology and addresses some of the problematic areas of nephrology diagnoses.
Q: We have a patient who is diagnosed as having acute renal insufficiency due to dehydration with decreased urinary output and was admitted for IV hydration. What diagnosis codes should we assign?
CMS recently released the fiscal year (FY) 2019 IPPS final rule with significant reductions to reporting requirements for quality initiatives, updates to payment rates, changes to CC/MCC designations, and revisions to various MS-DRGs.
Q: In what instance would septic shock not be coded as a principal diagnosis (PDX)? I’ve been under the impression that septic shock should always be reported as a PDX.
CMS and the National Center for Health Statistics recently released the 2019 ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting. Changes include clarification on the usage of “with,” updated sepsis guidance, and added guidelines for subsequent myocardial infarction.
Adriane Martin, DO, FACOS, CCDS, says that knowledge of coding guidelines and Coding Clinic advice, as well as an understanding of the spine anatomy and the spinal fusion procedure itself, can go a long way toward helping put together the pieces of the fusion puzzle.
Chris Simons, MS, RHIA, details way to improve querying across health information management (HIM), coding, and CDI departments since querying providers is a key strategy for improving documentation. Note : To access this free article, make sure you first register here if you do not have a paid subscription.
Continuing with numerous specific requests for comment in last year’s OPPS proposed rule, CMS is once again asking stakeholders for feedback on a variety of issues for the 2019 OPPS proposed rule for future potential rulemaking. You may submit comments to the agency until September 24, 2018.
Along with quality measure removals in the 2018 OPPS and MPFS final rules, CMS has continued to propose additional removals in the 2019 proposed rules. In addition, the agency is proposing to add to its ability to remove quality measures in the future.
Back in January, I wrote an article regarding E/M codes and the need for changes to the 1995 and 1997 E/M documentation guidelines. In that article, I suggested making E/M codes for office visits solely time-based to simplify the reporting of these very subjective codes. Little did I know that this is what CMS would propose months later.
CMS’ 2019 OPPS proposed rule, released in late July, continues the agency’s efforts to enforce site-neutral payments and reduce drug payments by introducing policies to reduce reimbursement for hospital outpatient clinic visits at off-campus, provider-based departments.
Numerous Briefings on Coding Compliance Strategies (BCCS) advisory board members will be presenting at the 2018 AHIMA Convention and Exhibit in Miami, Florida, from September 22–26. The advisory board members will cover topics including ICD-10-PCS accuracy basics, surgical complications, and HIM leadership.
According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, approximately 13,000 Americans die each year from aortic aneurysms , with most of the deaths attributable to an aneurysmal rupture or dissection.
As I sit down to summarize the proposed fiscal year (FY) 2019 ICD-10-CM update, the number of changes proposed are significantly less than the prior two years. This makes me think we’re getting back to the norm of expected yearly changes.
As with many diagnoses in the inpatient setting, acute kidney disorders can be confusing for coders to report due to multiple abbreviations and varying clinical criteria. Although the ICD-10-CM codes for the genitourinary system may seem straightforward, they don’t always line up precisely with the provider’s documentation in the medical record.
CMS’ 2019 OPPS proposed rule continues the agency’s efforts to enforce site-neutral payments and reduce drug payments by introducing policies to reduce reimbursement for hospital outpatient clinic visits at off-campus, provider-based departments (PBD) and expanding last year’s payment reductions for drugs purchased under the 340B discount pricing program by nonexcepted PBDs.
A common error and audit finding affecting providers is the lack of a physician order or physician signatures on medical documentation. Kimberly A. H. Baker, JD, CPC , reviews CMS guidance for physician signatures on medical documentation.