Choosing the correct E/M level can be difficult enough, but coders may also face scenarios where it’s necessary to append a modifier to the code. Susan E. Garrison, CHCA, CHCAS, CCS-P, CHC, PCS, FCS, CPAR, CPC, CPC-H, reviews when to report modifiers -25 and -27 and instances when the modifiers would not be appropriate.
Comprehensive APCs (C-APC) have added another complication to coding and billing for outpatient services. Valerie A. Rinkle, MPA, writes about recent changes that could impact the reporting of physical and occupational therapy and speech-language pathology services provided in support of or adjunctive to a C-APC.
Q: We operate a partial hospitalization program (PHP) and just heard from our billing office that there are new requirements for submitting claims. They want us to close out accounts weekly in order for them to bill them. We have done 30-day accounts prior to this and don’t see why they want to change things. Is there a certain timeframe required for billing these services? This is a huge inconvenience to make this work for the business office.
Choosing an E/M level code depends on three components—history, exam, and medical decision-making. History itself has four further components that coders will need to look for in physician documentation. Review what comprises these components to aid in choosing the correct levels.